I daydreamed I was a big star in a big magazine asked to answer a question like:
Rolling Stone: Mr. Duckett, what’s your view of Hip Hop?
Duckett: I think it’s bad for the world.
Rolling Stone: Why is that?
Duckett: Because it encourages stupidity and bad manners.
Rolling Stone: Wow. That’s a pretty narrow view.
Duckett: No, that’s a broad view. That’s a panoramic view. Because that’s what we’re seeing more and more of—stupidity and bad manners.
Rolling Stone: And you blame it on Hip Hop?
Duckett: The poison of Hip Hop, yes.
Rolling Stone: Sounds like something from a KKK rally.
Duckett: It is. The KKK is right about hip hop.
Rolling Stone: Wow.
Duckett: But I don’t come at it from their angle. I don’t look at it as a racist. I look at it as an artist. I object to it artistically.
Rolling Stone: But what about, say, Tupac?
Duckett: He was a good talker but a poor rapper. His raps (like most) are boring because they’re too nostalgic and sentimental.
Rolling Stone: What’s your problem with rap artistically?
Duckett: It’s too sentimental. Too petty. Too now-oriented. Too journalistic. Too dumb.
Rolling Stone: Anything else?
Duckett: Yes. Too unmusical.
Rolling Stone: Do you realize you said ‘The KKK is right about Hip Hop’?
Duckett: Yes. Quite an attention-grabber, huh?
Rolling Stone: Are you comfortable having that appear under your name?
Duckett: Absolutely. I am proud of that statement. You have to realize how far I have to travel in my imagination to come up with that. People won’t realize how creative it is. As a conversationalist, my concern is not what I believe, but what it is possible to believe. I imagine possible arguments, possible beliefs and phrase them just right. like a lawyer, but one who deals not in law, but in the imagination.
Rolling Stone: I don’t follow.
Duckett: I don’t like Hip Hop. That’s the starting point. It’s not a matter of emotion; it’s a matter of taste. It’s not a big deal. I listen to what I like and I’m happy and that’s it, but right now I’m in a conversation, and in the interests of the conversation I am going to phrase my dislike in the most provocative and harsh way I can find. That’s my mental process. That’s the context everyone will ignore.
Rolling Stone: So you’re saying you don’t actually believe what you said, that the KKK is right about Hip Hop?
Duckett: I’m saying I’m a very advanced conversationalist, and my statement that ‘the KKK is right about Hip Hip’ is more a mark of my skill as a conversationalist than it is a representation of my personal beliefs.
Rolling Stone: I’m not sure that’s gonna help you.
Duckett: I don’t need any help.
Rolling Stone: I think you’re digging a hole.
Duckett: More like building a bridge.
Rolling Stone: How?
Duckett: A bridge to the other side of Political Correctness, which somehow still rules despite what a lie it is.
Rolling Stone: So by talking like a racist you’re freeing us from the bonds of PC?
Duckett: I’m doing what I can for freedom of speech and freedom of thought.
Rolling Stone: When this comes out, what if you are asked to apologize?
Duckett: I will kill myself before I will apologize. I’ll give up every penny and go back to the factory before I will publicly succumb to the thought police. All those who speak honestly and then apologize to save their incomes are a disgrace. I hope I get the chance to martyr my career for the cause of free thought.
See I’m not afraid to be called a racist for hating hip hop. I despise everything about it, and I don’t think it’s black at all. I think blacks think it’s black because whites tell blacks it’s black. It’s classic tyranny of the majority. Majority rule is rule by the conformity enforcers. They enforce Hip Hop using whatever means they can with as iron a fist as possible, and that’s dangerous, because that means whoever can control the conformity enforcers can control, can CREATE the whole culture. The media corporations in partnership with Madison Avenue are in control of the conformity enforcers, and therefore the corporations and Madison Avenue create black culture. And that means there is no authentic black culture in our corporate world. There is no culture. There is only the manipulation of the conformity enforcers.